Monday, March 17, 2008

I really dug that!

I do not remember this incident because I was only about one year old at the time. However, in later years my mother told the story to me.

My mother was going on her weekly grocery shopping trek. Of course she was walking because at that time they didn't have a car. She put me in the big baby buggy. She walked to the grocery and did her shopping. She put the groceries in the baby buggy at the end of my feet. On the way home she did not bother to look into the buggy-- a big mistake! When we got home she discovered I had somehow managed to get a loaf of bread and tear open the end of it. I took my hand and dug down into end of the bread. I had eaten a lot of it and just generally mangled the whole thing. By the time we got home I had really wrecked that loaf of bread. In those days bread was not sliced, it was just in one big whole loaf, but this loaf was just one big bag of crumbs.

Maybe she made bread pudding!

1 comment:

  1. My intent is not to compare you to a dog, but your story reminded me of one of my own. We had a basset hound many years ago. We came home from work one day, and she had eaten a whole loaf of bread! I was quite concerned about her, but it didn't seem to hurt her. I learned from the experience to put my bread in the breadbox instead of leaving it out on the table. That dog loved bread, and we often gave her a slice as a treat.
