Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bird's Eggs

My friend and I one time found a bird's nest. There were three or four eggs in it. Not doing what we should have--leave the nest and eggs alone--we took the eggs out of the nest. We decided that we wanted to see what bird's eggs tasted like. So we asked my mother to let is fry the eggs!

She argued that we should not eat them but put them back in the nest. We were so persistent that finally she said, " OK." She got us a small skillet and put some oil in it. We broke the eggs and put them in the skillet--we were lucky that the embryos had not formed yet. We ate them but it has been many years ago so I don't have any memory of what they tasted like. We could not even fly after eating them! Now, I would never in a million years eat a bird egg! ( Isn't a chicken a bird?) I can't imagine that my mother let us eat them but I guess she figured that was easier than protesting against us.

1 comment:

  1. If we persisted, Grandma usually let us learn our lessons the hard way! One time when I was probably 4 or 5, she was making cornbread. When she made a cake, she always let me lick the bowl, and that cornbread batter looked just like her yellow cake, so I said I wanted to lick the bowl. She told me it was cornbread and wouldn't be good. I kept on, and she finally, in exasperation, said, "Here!" and handed me the bowl. She was right -- it wasn't good!
