I often think of my uncle Frank, my dad's brother, and what a tragedy his life was. However, he always seemed to be as happy as anyone else.
First of all, he had polio when he was about two years old. He was left with a limp when he walked. His left hand and arm were left mostly useless. Since he was so young when that happened he did seem to adapt well to his defects and could do almost any thing everyone else could do.
I know he was very unhappy about his limp and he did go to several doctors to see if anything could be done about it. I assume nothing could be done because nothing ever was.
Secondly, He had a bad marriage which did last a few years but eventually was absolved. There were no children from the marriage.
Then in his later life my Uncle Frank worked at a gas station where he was in a serious accident from a gas can explosion. His injuries were serious and he was unable to work for many months. Throughout his adult life he always had a job. So he was ambitious despite his handicap.
As God would have it he finally found a woman who was really nice to him and they were married. Sadly, they were not married very long before he developed lung cancer and died. I surely hope that Uncle Frank finally reached the Promised Land because he certainly lived a Hell on Earth! (That is my view of the situation, maybe his view was better than mine!)
When Uncle Frank worked for Beasley Vaughan Drug Store, we used to love to see him out making deliveries. We thought it was pretty neat to wave at Frank while he was working. When we'd go in the store, he'd sometimes get us a coke from the little soda fountain they had. They served the cokes in cone shaped paper cups they put in stainless steel holders. Uncle Frank sometimes had some gruff ways, but he was a very good man.