Thursday, May 22, 2008

Car Games

When we used to take our trips when our children were small we did all we could to entertain them while traveling. We started a game, I don't know the name of it-- but I am sure it had one-- which really got us all involved.

In this game a person on one side of the car kept track of his points and the person on the opposite side of the car kept track of his points. You got points for things you saw on your side of the road and lost points for certain other things on your side of the road. For instance: if you saw a black horse on your side of the road you got so many points; if you saw a church on your side of the road you got points for that; You could make up whatever things you wanted to use for points. Then you lost all of your points if you saw a cemetery on your side of the road. The things you got points for and the things you lost points for could be whatever you agreed on at the start of the game.

The game could go on for the whole trip or you could make the end of a game when you got to a certain city.We made a rule that if a person missed seeing something on his side of the road that was worth points you could get the points for yourself if you saw it and declared it before he did. It was very discouraging when you built up a good point score and then saw a cemetery on your side of the road and lost all of your points.

It was a very entertaining game and it kept our children, as well as us, involved and it made the travel time go much more quickly.

1 comment:

  1. And a whole lot more fun than watching movies or playing on a Gameboy! Just think how many things kids miss these days because they don't use their imaginations.
