Saturday, May 10, 2008

Do You Strain Your Gravy?

Once when I was dating my husband my parents were gone for the day and we were making our own dinner. I didn't know much about cooking and he knew even less. However, we were cooking things for us to eat.

We cooked some kind of meat--I have forgotten what kind-- and we made mashed potatoes, a salad and then we attempted to make gravy. I mixed up the flour and milk to make the gravy. I guess I didn't mix it well enough and when I poured it into the meat juices it just went into one big mess of lumps. My husband (then boyfriend) said, "Can't we strain out the lumps"? I said,"Yeah, that's a good idea!" So I dig out the strainer and we try to strain the gravy. It was a total mess. However, we did manage to get enough gravy through the strainer to have a little for our mashed potatoes.

Since that has been 65 years ago I have now learned to make lumpless gravy. I think of our gravy straining experience every time I stir gravy these days and I wish he could be here to have a laugh with me about it!

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