Back in about 1931 or 32, there was a drive going on for people to donate money for the NRA, the National Recovery Act. The NRA was a government agency established to stimulate business recovery after the great depression--a part of FDR's New Deal.
I just started school in 1931 and I had to walk about three or four blocks to get to my school. One morning I was on the way to school and just as I stepped off the curb to cross the one busy street that I had to cross, I looked down and there was a bright shiny nickle lying right there! I quickly grabbed it up with all sorts of visions running through my mind as to what I could buy with it. In those days you could do quite a lot with a nickle.
When I got to school and was telling my friends about my great find they all started saying that I should donate it to the NRA. I didn't want to hear that but finally, they made me feel that I just had to give that nickle to the NRA. So I reluctantly gave my nickle to the NRA. I had second thoughts about it the rest of the day and sort of wished I could get it back. But, I had already given it and there was no way I could get it back. So all of my visions about what I could buy with my nickle went flying out the proverbial window. They say,"easy come--easy go," and that was certainly true of my nickle!
That's a heartbreaker! I doubt those kids would have been so eager to donate the money if they had found it.