Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Little Something Extra

This morning I decided to make myself an egg sandwich for my breakfast. I got out my skillet and put in a little bacon grease (the only way to fry eggs!). I went to the fridge and got out an egg. I broke the egg into the skillet and was shocked to see two yellow eyes looking right at me! My egg had a double yolk. The yolks were so firm and fresh and just stood right up there. I can't remember the last time I used an egg that had a double yolk. Somehow, I felt lucky.

I felt as if I had been given something extra. Actually, the egg tasted the same as any other egg I have ever eaten but I still felt it was a special egg. Maybe I would have double good luck today. I already had good luck in that I had awakened with my eyesight, my hearing, feeling good and able to walk into the kitchen.

I Googled double yolk eggs and I found that they are considered lucky by some and unlucky by others. I also found that about one in one thousand eggs contain double yolks. They usually do not hatch because of the lack of room for two chicks in one shell.

Today is about over and I have not had any noticeable good luck outside of being alive and still feeling good--But who knows? Maybe I will wake up in the morning and will be a millionaire.


  1. Oh I certainly hope you wake up a millionaire tomorrow! If you do, don't forget one of your favorite nieces in Paris, OK?! I've gotten double yolks before, but not very often...usually from our own chickens. I've always viewed a double yolk as good luck.

  2. I remember getting only one double yolk in 35 years of marriage, and I think that came from one of Nancy's chickens.
