Friday, June 27, 2008

Biscuits in my Lunch

When I was in grade school I took my lunch to school every day. School was about a two mile walk from my house and I only had one hour for lunch so I didn't have time to walk home.

My Mother always made biscuits for breakfast. Occasionally, we would have bought bread and make toast but for the most part we had biscuits for breakfast. So my Mother would make me sandwiches with biscuits and bacon, egg, jelly, potato slices or whatever she had on hand for my lunch. I loved the biscuits but I was a little embarrassed to let other kids see my biscuit sandwiches.

Many of the kids had bought bread in their lunches and I thought my biscuits were a little bit degrading. I thought that because they had bought bread and I had biscuits that made me seem a little poorer than they were! Actually, that might have been the case but it also could have been that their mother was too lazy to get up early enough to make biscuits!

Anyway, I always tried to hide my biscuit sandwiches from the kids who had bought bread in their lunches.

Nowadays, I would not be embarrassed at all to have someone see a biscuit sandwich in my lunch. Hardly anyone makes them anymore. You do see them at MacDonalds in the sausage biscuits and they cost at least a dollar! The other kids might have canned biscuits but my Mother's biscuits were made-from-scratch. And I would love to have one of her delicious home made- from-scratch biscuits right now!


  1. Grandma didn't use a biscuit cutter -- her biscuits were shaped by hand, so they were never uniform in size or appearance. But when you tasted them, you didn't care what they looked like! I can just see her making those biscuits. She had an old beat up wooden bowl for many years that she mixed her biscuit dough in. I don't remember seeing it for several years before she went to the nursing home. Wonder if she sold it in a garage sale? I might wonder if she threw it away, but I don't remember her ever throwing anything away!

  2. I have tried many times over the years to make biscuits from scratch but have never been successful! I don't care much for can biscuits but they are better than what I can make!

  3. I remember that wooden bowl she used too! Grandma's meals would have never scored much for presentation, but they sure excelled in taste!! I remember a fudge cake that she used to make and it was always cracked or leaning but it was sooo good! nh
