Sunday, June 15, 2008

I Was Made a Monkey of

Once when I was a small kid we made a visit to My Uncle Gola's place. He lived in Little Rock, Arkansas at that time. As part of our entertainment he took us to the zoo there in their city.

We had been around to a lot of the animal cages and had seen most of the sights. Somewhere along the way Uncle Gola had bought my sister and me lolly pops. I was enjoying my sucker when we came to the monkey display. They were all in cages outside. I was standing there casually looking at the monkeys and I felt my sock slip down inside my shoe. I reached down to pull up my sock and was very close to the bars of the monkey cage.

This one little feisty monkey put his arm out through the bars and quickly grabbed my sucker! He went to the back of the cage and sat on a box or stool and he would take a lick on the sucker and look at me. It was as if he were teasing me. I was so flabbergasted at the whole thing that I hardly knew what to do. But one thing was clear--I was not going to get my sucker back. All the other zoo visitors had a good laugh at my expense! I think maybe my uncle Gola did buy me another lolly pop. I stayed away from the monkey cages after that!

1 comment:

  1. If only there had been video cameras back then! You would have been $10,000 richer!
