I will continue today with thoughts about the King. His recliner still sits right in the spot where it was when he was still with me. He always sat in the recliner and I sat on a couch right across the room from him.
I sometimes nap on the couch during the day. I have suddenly awakened from a nap and for an instant I look over at the recliner and expect to see him sitting there as he always did. Then I become fully awake and I realize he is not there.
The recliner was a gift to "The King" from our daughter and he lived in it during the time he was not in bed. After he died, seven years ago, I had thought I would get rid of it and buy a new chair for that spot. About the first year no one sat there at all. Then gradually they began to sit in it occasionally. So I gave up my thoughts of getting rid of the chair. Now no one thinks twice about plopping down there for a rest. The chair is not totally spent. It still looks fairly good , in fact as good as the rest of my chairs.
My daughter just mentioned not long ago that she feels kind of good sitting in it because it makes her feel close to her Dad. I seldom sit in it but I do look at it all the time and recall the good old days when "The King" was still with us!
So, until the brown corduroy starts to fall off I think the throne will continue to take up that spot in the family room! Recovering it is out of the question because it would not be the same in any other color or material than the brown corduroy.
Long live the King's throne!
Isn't it amazing how we can almost feel the presence of a loved one through an inanimate object? Mama had one bowl left from the set of dishes she got when she married. I have that bowl, and I think of her everytime I use it. In fact, I decided I wanted a whole set of those dishes, and I watched ebay for about 5 years before I finally collected a whole set. They weren't hers, but the pattern reminds me of her.