We had a chihuahua dog years ago. If there is such a thing as a psychotic dog, he was surely the worst!
While we were playing with him the very first night we had him he tried to bite us and he was only six weeks old then. He snapped at us all the time. He is certainly lucky we took him in because most people would have gotten rid of him right away!
If we were standing and talking he would jump and yip at our legs until we picked him up and then he would try to bite us when we did so. He never actually bit anyone seriously. He never went after anyone but if they tried to pick him up then he would try to bite. Over time I became the only person who knew how to handle him or pick him up.
We were visiting at my sister's once and we were all going away for a while. She said we could just leave the dog there. I told her that he never soiled or wet the floor. So we left. When we came home we walked into the bedroom we were using and turned on the light. There right in the very middle of the bed was a nice surprise for us! I laughed and told my sister that I said he never soiled or wet the floor, I didn't say anything about the bed! I assume that since he was not used to soiling the floor and he had to pick some place, the bed was his choice.
We started out putting his food on a piece of waxed paper for him to eat. After that he would never eat out of a dish. So we always just used a piece of waxed paper to put his food on. When we would go away and leave him we would put food out for him to eat while we were gone. Every time we came home the food that was left would be all pushed off the paper onto the bare floor. I figured out that was his way of telling us he didn't like it when we went away!
Our Chihuahua, Mickey, lived a long life of about 18 years. We loved him dearly but he was truly a nutty animal!
While we were playing with him the very first night we had him he tried to bite us and he was only six weeks old then. He snapped at us all the time. He is certainly lucky we took him in because most people would have gotten rid of him right away!
If we were standing and talking he would jump and yip at our legs until we picked him up and then he would try to bite us when we did so. He never actually bit anyone seriously. He never went after anyone but if they tried to pick him up then he would try to bite. Over time I became the only person who knew how to handle him or pick him up.
We were visiting at my sister's once and we were all going away for a while. She said we could just leave the dog there. I told her that he never soiled or wet the floor. So we left. When we came home we walked into the bedroom we were using and turned on the light. There right in the very middle of the bed was a nice surprise for us! I laughed and told my sister that I said he never soiled or wet the floor, I didn't say anything about the bed! I assume that since he was not used to soiling the floor and he had to pick some place, the bed was his choice.
We started out putting his food on a piece of waxed paper for him to eat. After that he would never eat out of a dish. So we always just used a piece of waxed paper to put his food on. When we would go away and leave him we would put food out for him to eat while we were gone. Every time we came home the food that was left would be all pushed off the paper onto the bare floor. I figured out that was his way of telling us he didn't like it when we went away!
Our Chihuahua, Mickey, lived a long life of about 18 years. We loved him dearly but he was truly a nutty animal!
I say Amen! He really was truly a nutty dog!
ReplyDeleteBut he was cute!
ReplyDeleteHey didn't he eat my poop one time? I guess that would make him pretty nutty, wouldn't it?! nh