Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yard Chickens

We used to have chickens in our yard all the time. We kept them for the eggs. We had a little shed that the chickens stayed in at night but during the day they just roamed all over our yard--and the neighbor's yard also. But that didn't matter because she had chickens too.

I don't have to tell you that you walked very carefully in our yard! I can remember many times having to go in and wash my foot off because I had not walked carefully enough.In the summer time I usually went barefoot. If I had shoes on I would just wipe my shoe off on a grassy spot. I know the eggs were necessary for us to have for eating and we also cooked a chicken occasionally for a meal. But it was not pleasant at all to step on chicken doo!

I think nowadays you are not allowed to have chickens in the city, at least not free roaming chickens. With eggs at around $1.50 or more a dozen it might be kind of nice if we were allowed to have them!


  1. Fresh eggs are definitely better than store bought! We still have chickens, but rarely collect the eggs, and you are correct the chicken doo is aweful!! When the chickens were free to roam, they loved the front porch for sleeping and their "business"! EEEWWW!! nh

  2. But that chicken doo can sure fire up a compost pile!
