Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Lost Cow

This is a Jersey cow just like our cow was.

We usually had a cow most of the time when I was a kid. There was a pasture right behind our house in which we could let our cow graze. We always had our own milk and butter.

One morning my Dad went out to put the cow into the pasture and the cow had somehow gotten out of the lot where we kept it when it was not in the pasture. He looked all around and the cow was nowhere to be seen.

So he had to go looking for it. About a mile or so behind our house there were railroad tracks. So my Dad went that way thinking that was the most likely way for the cow to go. He walked a couple of miles along the tracks before he finally saw the cow grazing along the railroad. He had a rope and put it on her and walked her back to our house. Then my Dad had to look for and repair the hole in the fence where the cow had squeezed through. He had saved our milk and butter supply-- But he missed half day's work in doing so!


  1. Kyra,

    Did you ever churn butter?

  2. I am enjoying the pictures!

  3. Yes, I remember churning a few times. You move the dasher up and down in the churn until the butter forms in the milk. The one thing I could never master was milking. I tried and tried and I could not get any milk to come out of the cows teats.

  4. I remember the old I Love Lucy where Ethel churned all day and still didn't have butter. She didn't know you had to start with cream.

  5. I've enjoyed your stories so....I only remember grandma and grandpa from a more modern time. nh
