When I was just a small kid my parents bought two baby pigs to raise for meat for the winter. We fed them table scraps and my Dad also bought some kind of animal food to supplement the table scraps.
The pigs grew and became hogs, eventually. Then came the time for butchering them. But, just days before they were to be butchered the hogs became sick. My Dad had a veterinarian to come check out the hogs. The veterinarian had bad news for my Dad, The hogs had a disease called erysipelas. Erysipelas is most commonly found in pigs but can be in other animals and also in humans. It is similar to cellulitis, a red swollen infection of the skin.
The bottom line was the hogs could not be eaten. So they had to euthanize them. My parents were devastated. They had spent their money buying and raising the pigs and ended up not having meat for the winter but also not even being able to get any of their money back. In those days money was not easy to come by so it was a terrible loss to them. That was the end of pig raising for my Dad. After that he stuck with chickens which are easier and cheaper to raise.
How heartbreaking! They had many rough times they had to weather through didn't they? nh