Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Old Reed Street Home

This is my daughter and her friend at our front door on Reed Street

I often dream of my old Reed Street Home. We lived in that home for 25 years. It was the first home we bought and we loved it. We raised our two girls there and actually didn't move away until after they had both left home.

It was kind of a sudden thing for us to move from there. We had just spent a lot of money remodeling the kitchen and had sort of decided that we were there for the rest of our lives.

Then our next door neighbor decided to sell her house and move into an apartment. She was telling us that the real estate man told her that our area was heading towards all black people (That was just his story because that didn't happen. There are some black people there but not all of them are).

Nevertheless, we did start looking around at new houses and we found one we really liked. However, it was sold so we couldn't buy it. The real estate lady said we should go ahead and put our house on the market because it might take a while to sell. Would you believe that the first people who looked at our house made an offer. So we really had to get on the ball to find a house for us to buy. The real estate lady found this house--the one I live in now--which was identical to the one we liked and couldn't buy, so we bought it.

We have lived here now for 31 years and we love this house too. I often wish I could look inside our old house and just see how it looks to me now. I am sure it would look small and very different than it did when we lived there.

I sometimes dream that I am in that house and it seems I am always in it without the owners being there and I am afraid they will catch me in it. I should just go to that house and tell whoever lives there that I was the original owner of that house and I want to look at it again! Do you think they would let me?


  1. Our old house was for sale, and they had an open house one Sunday afternoon. We went to the open house and looked at it. The realtor got all excited when she saw us, but she was certainly crestfallen when I told her we had already owned that house once, and were really just there to see what it looked like.

  2. Yes, you should ask if they'll let you see it! I often wanted to go inside our old house on Grand Avenue. I think that house held more good memories than any other I remember. They tore that house down several years ago...I wish I had gotten one last look. nh
