Reno was a cat that came to my sister's house once and stayed. My sister didn't really want a cat but it turned out, she had one!
Of course the fact that Cotton, her husband, kept feeding the cat made it certain that the cat was not going to leave a sure thing!
My sister even took Reno to be spayed when she saw a coupon to get it done for half price. She certainly didn't want any little kitties around!
After the cat was there for a time they named it Reno. My sister said one day, "That is the ugliest cat I ever saw." Then she thought for a minute and said, " I am going to name it Reno, after Janet Reno, she is the ugliest woman I ever saw!"
So the cat became Reno. She gradually worked her way into their hearts--and house! However, my sister said she would never do litter boxes so Reno was put outside at night into the storage building in the back yard. But during the day she nestled in their chairs, on their couch and on their laps and became dear to them.
Sadly, one time when Cotton was going somewhere he started the car and backed out of the driveway and saw Reno run out from under the car. Reno didn't appear to be hurt but for the next few days she became sluggish and stopped eating. They took her to the vet and found that she had internal injuries so she had to be euthanized. So they lost their pet.
By the way, I didn't think Reno was an ugly cat. She was just a plain tabby, like Janet Reno!
Reno was the ugliest kitten I ever saw, but she grew into a beautiful cat.