Many years ago when I was just a kid my Mother used to buy Rex Jelly all the time. It was kind of an imitation jelly. I googled it and couldn't find much about it at all.
It was sort of like a thick jello. I remember only a red flavor that was probably strawberry or cherry. I loved it because it was not extremely sweet as real jelly is. It may have come in other flavors but I do not remember them.
It came in a little tin bucket that was decorated with a blue stripe. The bucket was probably about a quart size.
I have not seen Rex Jelly for years and years in stores. I don't know why they stopped making it. It was a favorite with our family. I have looked for a picture of the little bucket but was unable to find one. So you have to take my word for it that it did come in a little tin bucket with blue stripes on it!
I did once find a recipe for making Rex Jelly on Google. You used Kool Aid, raspberry flavor (so it was raspberry instead of Strawberry or Cherry), Sure Jell or other pectin, sugar, lemon juice and water. I was going to make it but I was never able to find Raspberry Kool Aid. I still plan to make some when I can find Raspberry Kool Aid. I am sure it will not be the same but maybe I can detect a bit of the flavor of the long ago past.
Following is the recipe I found on Google for Rex Jelly:
2 packets of raspberry Kool Aid
4 cups of water
1 package of Sure Jell or any pectin
5 cups of sugar
1 tsp of lemon juice (optional)
Mix kool aid, water and sure jell. Bring to a boil. Add sugar and bring back to a boil. Boil at least one full minute. Add lemon juice and skim off foam. Pour into pint jars and seal.Wipe off top of jar before sealing.
I learn from you all the time! I had never heard of Rex jelly. You ought to send that to Reminisce magazine.