Sunday, October 12, 2008


You remember our psychotic dog, Mickey? Well, once he did something that really irritated Ford, my husband. I can't remember what it was but it really did tic Ford off. He jumped out of his chair and he went after Mickey and aimed a hard, swift kick at the dog. Something got in his way and he missed the dog but he ended up putting his foot into the hard side of a chair and really did one on his foot--then he was really angry. I grabbed Mickey to protect him from further attacks from Ford.

After it was over we kind of laughed at Ford because he got the worst end of his own anger. It took him a while to calm down.

If he had not missed kicking Mickey he might have killed the dog because it was a hard kick he gave.

I told him that he got what he deserved because Mickey was not that bad of a dog. Ford just let his temper get the best of him. It was a blessing that he misaimed his kick.

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