Potted Meat
I used to love it and I still don't hate it, I just don't ever buy it anymore. It was like a pate and came in a small can like tuna does.
Our good dog, Buddy, was really into potted meat. When I would open a can, even if he was nowhere near, he would come running with his nose twitching because he could smell that meat above everything else!
I always used to make him a sandwich with two pieces of bread and a generous portion of the meat and he would gobble that down before you could say, "JACK ROBINSON."
Deviled ham is just a glorified name for potted meat. So if potted meat sounds nasty to you then just use Deviled Ham!
Buddy has been gone a long time but I still remember him when ever I see a can of potted meat at the grocery store. Maybe I should buy a can sometime just to reminisce about Buddy.
Our basset, Jolene, used to go nuts when she heard the can opener. She knew that meant Kal-Kan time! But I never made her a sandwich out of it.