One of my pet peeves is restaurants cleaning chairs and tables with the same rag. That is OK if you only have one table and you do the table first. However I see waitresses or bus boys cleaning a number of tables and chairs and using the same rag for all of them without rinsing out the rag. I think they should wipe the table first and then do the chairs.
All kinds of people sit in those chairs and how clean do you think their clothes are? It repulses me to see the waitress wipe a chair off and then immediately wipe another table off with the same rag--ugh! I would just as soon see them wipe the floor with a rag and then the table!
If I were a restaurant owner I would demand that the bus boys or the waitresses wipe all of the tables first and then go back and wipe the chairs. And if I saw them wiping tables after wiping chairs they would get a pink slip!
We call those tags #AssRags aka #BootyRags