Thursday, November 6, 2008

Indian Summer

Indian Summer

We are experiencing an Indian Summer right now in our part of the country. It is unusually warm and has been for about a week. We had our squaw winter, a heavy frost and some cold weather a couple of weeks ago.

They say that Indian Summer is a period of abnormally warm weather after the first killing frost of the season.

I really look forward to Indian Summer every fall because it is the last thing resembling summer of the year. Summer is my time of the year and I treasure every moment of it.

I looked on Google and it said that Indian Summer can occur more than once in a season--and some years we don't really have one at all. I don't really remember ever having more than one a year in my lifetime.

I think Indian Summer is talked more about here in Indiana than it is in Texas, or the south. I never remember hearing of it until I came to Indiana to live. However I have come to treasure it much.


  1. Most of the time we have Indian Summer just about all of Fall. We have this year. Wonderful weather for the past several weeks. I never hear anyone mention Indian Summer here so it must be more of a Northeast-Mid West thing.

  2. This is my favorite Texas time of year -- chilly mornings and evenings, warm beautiful days, and all the colors of the palette on display!
