Friday, November 21, 2008

Solvang, California

Back in about 1965 or near then we went on a trip in our motor home to California. We traveled down through most of California with our friends Smitty and Margie.

In southern California there is a little town called Solvang. It is mainly a tourist town. Many gift shops line the streets of the town. In one of those shops we bought this little cuckoo clock. I have kept it all these years in a curio cabinet in my living room. It is a charming little clock about a foot tall. I actually have not kept it wound up and running all this time but it has been there for us to look at and admire, and to remind us of our trip to the quaint little town of Solvang.

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved cuckoo clocks. When I was little, Mama and Daddy's friends, Loyd and Moddrell, had a cuckoo clock in their hall, and I couldn't wait for that cuckoo to come out! I thought they must be rich to have something so unusual.
