Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye, 2008

Here it is, the end of another year. They are flying by fast. The older you get the faster they go. With things the way they are I certainly hope next year is better than this year was. However, I am probably better off than a lot of people are. I don't have a job but my income has not been cut yet.

I hope that things get better for all of the poor people who have no jobs or are losing their homes.

At my age I never know what will be my last year on this Earth. I just enjoy what time I have here and try not to think about the future. I know my future will be good even if I am not here on the Earth. Here's hoping your future is brighter and better for 2009!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you! I hope we all have many more to look forward're right though, they are coming faster and faster! Take care and keep blogging!! Love ya, nh
