Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snake! Snake!

Snakes scare me to death!

Once back in the days of only one bathroom for most people, I came in one day and was going to use our bathroom. Unfortunately, some one else was using it and I was desperate! My Mom said, "Well, go out in the back to the shed and use that for the bathroom."

So I hurriedly went out to the shed and was already pulling my pants down when I heard a noise behind me. I looked around and there right behind me was a huge snake. The snake was slithering around trying to get away from me. It didn't need to worry, I was also wanting to get away from it!

Needless to say my need for the bathroom was forgotten as I ran back into the house yelling, "Snake, snake!"

My Dad went out right away but by then the snake had left the shed and was probably somewhere out in the pasture behind our house. I certainly didn't go looking for it, nor did my Dad. I could not measure the snake but I am guessing, from my memory that it must have been five or six feet long. I have no idea what kind of snake it was or if it might be a poisonous one. Since I was the only one to see it we have no clue to its kind . But poisonous or not I do not want any contact with any snake of any kind, size, or type!

I never did after that try to use the shed for a bathroom. I would have just had an accident rather then take a chance on another encounter with that skinny fellow!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the snakes! They like to sun in the flower bed on the west side of our house. I have found several there. They are now deceased.
