Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Dreaming Makes me Tired

Me dreaming----------------------------------------- of this!

When ever I have a big project or job coming up, such as company coming, cleaning my house or any kind of work, I spend all of my sleeping hours doing it.

I don't mean that I just casually think of it, I mean that I do it in every detail in my dreams! I go over the job with minute details such as what will I do first, which tools should I use to do it and where do I begin?

When I wake up in the morning I am exhausted just as I would be if I had actually done the work.

I know this is a mental problem but I don't know how to solve it! I have tried taking sleeping pills and they may help a little but not completely. I still work on my jobs every night in my dreams until they are past.

I have to admit that It has been helpful in some ways. I have figured out how to do many things in my dreams that help me when I actually do the work. But I am so pooped from all of my dream work that I have to sit down and rest when I get up in the morning! Can you believe that?

Show me that psychiatric section in the phone book, please!

1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing sometimes, but my dreams are mostly just extremely weird. Like the one the other night -- I was at a preschool graduation for black children. The parents would wheel the children out 2 at a time on a dolly, and each child would shout out his name, then the parents would wheel them off and the next 2 would come out. How goofy is that? For obvious reasons, this post is anonymous!
