Saturday, January 31, 2009


For those of you who are much younger than I you probably haven't even heard of Sen-Sen.

Sen-Sen was a breath freshener, and still is according to Google. I remember buying it many times years ago to keep my breath fresh. It came in little black squares and had a somewhat sweet taste. It also had a kind of perfumey taste.

Sen-Sen was developed in the late 1800's by T.B. Dunn and Company. It was on the market list many years before that as a cosmetic in keeping with its perfumery roots. Although the ingredients are supposed to be secret they do say it contains licorice, acacia gum, starch, sugar and natural and artificial flavors. Google said the product is still being made on some of the original equipment that manufactured it in the late 1800's.

I have not looked for it for many years but I can still remember the perfumy taste it left in your mouth after you put the tiny black squares on your tongue to melt. I was then ready to kiss the handsomest man!


  1. I can remember Grandma keeping sen-sen in her purse. I always thought it tasted like soap.

  2. I've never heard of it...interesting though! nh
