Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nancy

Nancy at 6 months

Nancy at 8 years

Today is the birthday of my niece, Nancy. I would say my favorite niece except I have some others of which I am very fond , so I will just say Nancy is one of my favorites!

I won't print the age of Nancy because I am not sure what year she was born. She knows how old she is and the rest of us really don't need to know!

Nancy, I hope you have a very good day on your birthday and that you have many, many more.

Once again, Happy birthday, Nancy. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes! I'm grateful for each and every birthday I have and I hope to one day beat Ollie's family record on age. nh

    P.S. You are most definitely one of my favorite aunts!
