I have not had a jaw breaker for many years but I still remember how much fun you got out of a jaw breaker. They lasted for hours. Some were so big that your jaws ached from holding the ball in your mouth for so long.
I have seen some as big as an inch and a half. Others were smaller. Of course the larger ones gave you much more time to have fun with them. I sometimes had to put mine up for a while and get it out later when I had more time for it.
I read on Google that they start from a single grain of sugar and it takes from 14 to 19 days to make a single jaw breaker. They have many different layers of color all through the ball.
I used to get my jaw breakers for maybe a penny for a small one to a nickle for a larger one. I saw some advertised for 25 cents now. Maybe some are even more expensive.
However large or small, they are mostly sugar, but sooo good! Makes me wish I was a kid again!
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