Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dirt Floors and a Tent

A tent with dirt floors

When we lived on North Main Street there was a family of a man and three or four children who lived in a tent on the back property of one of our neighbors. I don't remember the details but there was no mother in the family. Either she had died or left the family for some reason. The children did go to school where I went so I saw them at school.

I played with one of the girls who was close to my age. She took me to the tent one day to get something and I was invited in. I was shocked to see that there was no floor to the tent, just dirt. It was swept clean and not littered but it was just dirt. They had beds of some kind. I can't remember if they were real beds or just cots but they were made up and neat.

I am sure they must have not been there during the cold weather because they had no stove or any way to heat a tent. It has been so long ago that I can't remember what ever happened to them after that. I felt so sorry for them when I saw how they lived. I went home and felt rich because I had a floor in my house! So there have always been homeless people even back in my days.

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