Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Do You Know What this is?

Do you recognize what this item is? If you are a young person you probably don't.

I have used it many times back when I had to iron all of our clothes. It is just a bottle with a sprinkler top and it was used to dampen clothes for ironing. We sprinkled the clothes with warm water and rolled them up in to a tight ball and let them sit for a few hours.

The water was absorbed slowly into the clothes making them slightly damp. That way they could be ironed doing away with all of the wrinkles.

It was a time consuming job. You ironed the item until it was free of wrinkles and was mostly dry. The things that were starched were much harder to get ironed.

Sometimes if you didn't get the clothes ironed within a day or so the clothing would mildew, so you placed them in the fridge until you could get them ironed--other wise they got a bad smell to them. Then you had to launder them all over again. Sound like fun? Believe me it wasn't!

Thank God for permanent press clothing! I seldom use my iron any more. Occasionally I press something but I never use the sprinkling bottle anymore. I really don't know why I still have it. I guess just to remind me of the olden days! Some things are much better and some are much worse.

1 comment:

  1. Mama's sprinkler bottle was an old green ginger ale bottle. I wish I had it, because I watched her many times sprinkling the clothes. I have a sprinkler bottle, but it very rarely gets used.
