Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fifty Years!

This is a picture of Ford's class in 1987 when he went to his fiftieth class reunion. He graduated in 1937 from Huntington High School. It was a big class. I am sure that quite a few had died before the fiftieth reunion. The ribbon and little memento on the place setting at the table are in the other picture.

We arrived at the club where the reunion was held a little early and decided to just sit in the car until more people came. While we were sitting there watching the people go into the building Ford said, "Boy, just look at all of those old people!" I replied, "Well, all of those old people are the same age as you!" He came to his senses and said, "I guess they are but they all look older than me!" He was right about that. He did look younger than a lot of them. He is just to the left side of the tree in the back row.

We had a very nice dinner but I really don't think Ford enjoyed it that much because he didn't see as many people as he had thought he would that he remembered from fifty years ago. Now. since that has been 22 years ago I am certain that many more, probably most of the people in that picture, are now gone.

But I do have the picture to look at and reminisce about the olden days.

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