Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hens and Chickens Plants

In the pictures above are my hens and chickens plant and some specimens of other kinds of hens and chickens plants. I love the red one but I don't have any of those.

My plant sits outside all winter with no protection at all and it bursts out in the spring with all its glory. I never water, fertilize or do anything to it. So it is a very hardy plant--it just lives with whatever nature gives it.

Every once in a while I do break off some of the sprouts (chickens) because it gets so many on it. You can just stick them in a pot and soon they are reproducing more little hens and chickens.

The larger plants are called the hens and the smaller ones are the chickens. At some point the hens, or the larger plants, may flower. They grow on a tall stalk and have a bloom. Then after that they die and the smaller plants take over the growing of the chickens.

I have never had a hen flower on my plant so it may not have the ideal growing situation. However, I like my plant the way it is even if it doesn't flower. It is a perfect plant for me since I am lazy and don't do a lot of gardening and hens and chickens do not require much of it!

You are welcome to some chickens from my plant to put in your pot. Just come here and help yourself!

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