Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Big Garage Sale!

I have been so busy getting ready for our garage sale that I did not get a post on yesterday. I feel so guilty not getting one on every day. But to tell the truth it is not that I am that busy but that my idea pool has run dry. You would think that someone who has lived for 82 and a half years would have their whole life to look back on and think of tons of things to write about.

I really do think all the time about what I can write for the next day. But it is really hard to come up with a new idea every day of your life. I have written 438 posts so far. That is a lot but I am sure my mind just has not brought up every idea that is in it. I just have to keep jogging it for new ones.

So when I don't have on a post for the day you can say she just has not got any new ideas.

Back to the garage sale. Above are some pictures of it from several view points. Carla Sue and Brett set it up Sunday and today they finished it. So all I have to do is open the door and start taking in the money! That is the fun part. I will have the door open on Thursday about noon and then all day Friday and Saturday. Actually, the sale for the public is on Friday and Saturday but on Thursday it will be just for the addition residents. So I hope to sell some things on Thursday.

I will have to operate the sale all alone because Carla Sue and Tony are going on vacation and are leaving Friday at noon. They won't be back until about the following Thursday. Brett is coming over Saturday night and maybe Sunday to help me get it all cleaned up. Because Lana Kay will be here on the Wednesday right after the sale.

I have no qualms about doing it alone because we never have a lot of people coming to our sales. This addition is hexed for some reason and we don't get a lot of customers. I think it is because not that many homes in the addition participate in the sale. So the people all go to the bigger additions where they do have a lot of sales.
Anyway, I am hoping to make at least enough money to make all the work worthwhile, that is Carla Sue and Brett's work. I sat and supervised! I did actually make a lot of price tags and I was their gopher girl! I will be reporting on our sale later, on Saturday night.


  1. Good Luck! For your posting ideas, go back and look through your old photos -- they're sure to jog up some memories. Keep posting -- I've enjoyed them so much and learned a lot of things I didn't know!

  2. I'll tell you a few things I would like to know...a few ideas for your blogs:
    I would like to know about your most memorable Christmas, Birthday, vacation, a special moment from school or college, the funniest person you know or have ever met, who was your first kiss and/or crush...I'm sure I could keep going! I, too, have learned a lot from your blogs so you can't quite now! nh

  3. *quit not quite! Sorry, I should have proofread.
