Saturday, June 6, 2009


I hope that you, Debbie, do not have one old thing, that you used to have a long time ago, in your newly remodeled home--that old pillow that you use to have with you all the time on our camping and traveling trips! Surely you have a new pillow since then!

That was a poor example of pillows! It was so thin and skimpy that I would not even call it a pillow! You loved that pillow.

Most people are very personal about their pillow--as much as they are about their toothbrush. I have had my pillow for probably 35 years. It is a feather filled one. It has been washed in the washer, dried in the dryer as well as on the clothesline and recovered several times. But it has the original feathers! I love it. I still have Ford's pillow also.

Ford never went on a trip without his pillow. I was more diverse in my pillow use. I liked my own but I could also adapt well after a night or two on a strange one. I had rather use a strange one than fool around with taking my own-- as long as it had a few more feathers than Debbie's did!

Speaking of Ford's pillow, he always knew if they had been switched when I made the beds. If I mistakenly put my pillow on his side he knew immediately. His was a little thinner than mine. I did not always notice the switch.

As long as a pillow is clean and does not smell I can live with it, even for thirty five years!


  1. My poor pillow disappeared about 20 years ago on a ski trip. When we got home, it wasn't with my things. I think I may have left it at the cabin we were staying in. I sure miss it! I have about a dozen pillows around here -- ones I've bought trying to find the right fit. The one I sleep on now is OK, but it's not perfect.

  2. Haha..I know what happened to Deb's just kept getting thinner and thinner until it vanished! nh
