Monday, June 15, 2009

Whee--I am Rich--not!

I am so glad the garage sale is over! We are not rich but we did make a little money, more than I expected. The total for the sale, with five of us in it, was $261. Carla Sue made the most at $119. I made the next most with $88. The rest was split up between Brett, Amy and a friend of Brett's.

We got rid of several big items but not the treadmill, which was Brett's. It was not working just right so he ended up just putting $5 on it just to get rid of it. I guess $5 was sort of a tip off that it was not working right because no one hardly even looked at it. Now we have to find a way to get it off our hands. I don't think that Goodwill or Salvation Army will take it if it isn't in good working order. So Brett may have to pay to take it to the dump. Isn't that disappointing for Brett? Here he had thought of putting $50 or maybe $100 on it but then he found out it wasn't working right so he ended up with nothing. Oh well, life is like that, full of disappointing things.

I am sorry I have skipped two days putting on a post but I was so tired after two days of getting up early and running all day that at night I was pooped. Was it worth $88? I guess it was with the economy like it is!

I will try to get a decent post on another day. Bear with me!

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