Sunday, July 19, 2009

Macho Man

Cherrie is the third from left in the front row

When we lived on Reed Street we had neighbors who lived behind us on the street that ran behind ours. Our back yards met in the back between our lots.
Our children played with their children a lot. They had girls near the age of my two girls and they also had a younger brother.

Once when they were at our house playing something came up about the age of their parents and us. I asked how old their Dad was and Cherrie, the oldest girl said he was 29. I said, "Your Dad is just a kid!" Because Ford was several years older than he was.

Cherrie pondered that for a moment and the she perked up with, "Well, My Dad has three kids and you only have two!" I said, "Yes you are right!"

I guess she thought he was a macho man because he had three kids and we only had two!


  1. The photo must be a birthday party. Do you remember all the other kids?

  2. If I remember right it was a birthdy party. I remember most of the kids but one or two I can't remember who they are. Lana Kay might know but she isn't here!
