Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More About Pigs

Speaking of pigs, which I did in yesterday's post, I am reminded of once when I was shopping at K Mart.

I had found all of my items and was checking out. I had a jar of pickled pig feet on the counter with my other things. The checker saw it and she shivered all over and looked at me strangely. She put a plastic bag over her hand and used it to pick up the jar of pickled pig feet. She said I can't even stand to look at it much less touch it! I laughed and said to her that she didn't know what she was missing by not eating pig feet! She said she didn't see how anyone could eat such stuff as that.

I love pickled pig feet. I haven't had them for ages but now that I am reminded of them I am going to look the next time I shop and see if I can find some. I used to buy them at K Mart all the time. My K Mart closed up not too long ago and now I can't go there. There is one about 15 miles from me but I never drive that far unless it is necessary.

So if you haven't tried pickled pig feet, please do so--you will love them!

1 comment:

  1. Grandma loved pickled pig feet. I took her a jar one time when she was inthe nursing home. I'm kind of like that checker -- there are very few things I won't try, but that's one of them.
