" Garbo"
Maybe you know who Poppy and Garbo are. They are Ford and Mary Ruth. "Poppy" and "Garbo" are the names that our and her grandchildren gave them when they were little.
I think Garbo was started when Mary Ruth's first grandchild tried to say Grandma and Garbo was what came out. So Garbo stuck until this day and Mary Ruth is still "Garbo."
I know that Jennifer, my first grandchild, was the one who started calling Ford "Poppy" but I can't remember the details about it because Poppy does not even start to sound like grandpa. After the other grandchildren came along they just went along with Jennifer's name for him.
It was kind of cute when as little kids they called him "Poppy" but it isn't as cute when a 37 year old woman, Jennifer's age, and a 36 year old man, Brett's age, call their grandpa "Poppy." However, it sounds lovely to me because it reminds me of Ford when they say it. They often refer to "Poppy" about things that come up in our conversations.
It is sort of like when little kids named Bobby, Tommy, and Jimmy are still referred to as Bobby, Tommy and Jimmy after they are grownup men--kind of out of place! I have a nephew whose name is Bob, or Robert. I try to call him Bob but a lot of the time Bobby comes out.
Maybe it makes them feel young again!
We have some friends whose last name is Crabtree. All the grandchildren in that family (and there are a bunch of them) called the grandmother "Crabbie." I think nicknames like that are a true sign of affection and esteem.