Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pure Texan!

Once when we visited Texas my sister, Sara, decided that she would come back to Indiana with us and stay for a while. She had just lost her boyfriend in a car wreck and was very unhappy at that time. She thought a change might help her feel happier.

So she packed up her clothes and came back to Indiana with us. She stayed a few days and decided to try to find a job. We went to several places looking and she decided on a waitress job at a small restaurant. She signed an application and was supposed to start the job in a day or so.

So on that day we took her to the restaurant to start the job. It was a part time job. It was not a fancy restaurant but was a decent looking place.

After we dropped her off we returned home. After about two hours the phone rang. It was Sara calling and she quickly said, "Come get me!" I said, why? What happened?" She said, "Just come get me!"

So we got in the car and rushed to the restaurant to pick her up. She was crying and said, "I am not going back ever to that place!" I asked why she was so upset. She said the guy who owned the place was teasing her the whole time and calling out, "Yahoo," Texas style. He made fun of her and she took all she could take. I am sure the man was just teasing her but she was in no teasing mood at that time.

I asked her did she ask for her two hours pay and she said "Shoot no, I just wanted to get out of there."

So that was then end of her waitress job. Actually, she only stayed for a few more days in Indiana and then she made her way back to Texas. I begged her to stay longer but she had her mind made up she didn't want any part of Indiana! The picture above was made about in 1951 which is near the time she came here for her visit.


  1. And she was pure Texan! I'd love to hear her Texas drawl again.

  2. I love that pic of mama! You know Sara and I wrote a song about mama and Wayne (the boyfriend that was killed in the accident). It was an English class assignment and they got extra credit if they actually performed it. Our friend Jason put it to music and went to school with Sara and played the quitar for her and they sang it together. It was pretty good! nh
