Friday, July 31, 2009

What a Mixed up World!

I am sure when God designed the world and the way it was going to work He made it perfect. But I have trouble understanding why some things are the way they are.

For instance: When we are young, healthy and full of ambitions and we would like to travel, explore the world, enjoy everything and just have fun, we can't because we have to work, feed our family, and take care of lots of other responsibilities. We also don't have enough money to do all of those things!

But when we retire from working we have more money and the time to do all of the above mentioned things but our age keeps us from enjoying all of them. Sometimes our health is not good enough to do them. So we sit at home with our money and can't go places and have fun.

If it could be arranged so that we could go all the places we want to, have all the money we need to do all of the fun things while we are young, healthy and unencumbered with family requirements that would be ideal! I don't know how we would manage to do our work after the retirement age but God would have known how to do that!

It is sad to see someone retire and think they are set up to start having fun and then their health goes bad.

I am not criticising God's method of running the world--I just don't understand it!

Some people are lucky enough to have good health and are able to go and enjoy life after retirement but others are not so lucky. Those are the ones that are shortchanged!

Sorry, God, Help me understand why.

1 comment:

  1. It all goes back to when Adam ate that apple!
