The usual look of an eaten corn cob (like a dog eats it!)
Jana in 1967
My niece, Jana, was an artist with a cob of corn. However, after it was all eaten the artwork was gone.
Jana used a corn cob as a canvas for her artwork. She would neatly eat maybe two rows of kernels clear across the corn cob. Then she would skip down couple of rows and eat another two rows across the cob. Her corn cob was a thing of beauty while she was eating it. Sadly, by the time she ate the whole ear of corn her artwork was gone. She never had the ugly messed up corn cob that most people have when they are through with a corn cob. It was a neat, plain cob with no ugly husks left on it as is usually the case. I don't know how she managed it but she did!
I have not been around Jana in these later years to know if she still eats her corn the same way she used to. But I remember how neat she always made her corn cob look as she was eating it and after she was through with it. Hers was a work of art! Most corn cobs look really messy when people are through with them. Mine look neat because I always cut my corn off the cob with a knife instead of eating it off the cob. I don't like having the corn get on my face while I am eating it. But I am not the artist that Jana was!
I was always so entertained by Jana doing that! It was quite impressive. I love the pic of her too...nh