Look at this yucky guy! It is a dust mite. Maybe dusting before and after vacuuming might be a better idea for getting rid of him!
I have always dusted after I vacuum. It just seems that if you dust before the vacuuming that more dust will be spread around when you vacuum.
Others argue that you spread more dust around if you dust after the vacuuming. Who Knows? I surely don't.
Any way, I don't do either of them as often as I should. When I see dust collecting on my tables and shelves then I realize that I need to get busy!
When I see the colors of my carpet getting dim than I realize that I need to get out that vacuum and start using it! It is a vicious circle trying to keep things dust free. Looking at that ugly dust mite is an incentive to get busy!
My problem is Scrabble instead of Poker!
We don't have nearly as much dust since we got rid of all the carpets, so you're probably right. It seems all the dust is hiding in the floor.