This Guy could use a right foot shoe!
When I was a small kid we visited my Grandma Caffee every once in a while. She lived in an apartment with her second husband since my Grandpa Caffee died years ago.
One Sunday when we visited her she was showing us some shoes that a salesman had left at her place for some reason. Since he was a salesman he had samples of all the shoes that he carried--but he only carried the right foot shoes. If someone bought a pair then he could get the left shoe also for them.
The shoes he had left there were some that he did not want anymore. As she showed us them I remember that I thought, what a waste, those shoes were useless since they were only for the right foot.
I remember thinking that if there was someone who only had a right foot because they had lost their left one then the shoes could be used by them. I had all kinds of ideas how those right foot shoes could be used. I think I inherited that idea of using everything and not wasting it came from my mother. She was like that!
It must have been very impressive to me because I remember it to this day and still think there must have been some way those shoes could be used!
There are shoe exchanges for people who have lost their feet/legs -- You find someone your size who has the opposite limb you do, and you share your shoe purchases.