Ford always got up alone in the morning and made his own breakfast. To avoid waking me up by turning on the lights he would dress in the dark by the side of the bed (wasn't that thoughtful of him!). Then he went to the kitchen and ate.
One morning he dressed and went to work. Sometime during the day he went to the bathroom. That was when he got his shock. He had his shorts on backwards! He wore boxer shorts without any snaps in the front, just elastic around the waist. I don't remember his details about how he managed his problem but anyway, I think after that he was more observant about dressing in the dark.
I was very appreciative of him making his own breakfast and letting me sleep longer. He was an ideal spouse and I miss him every day!
Grandma loved the story about the time I wore my dress to school backwards. It was a shift dress with a round neckline, and it had a great big bow on the front (I thought). I wore the dress that way, and I noticed some of the girls laughing at me. They said, "You have your dress on backwards." I indignantly replied that I did not. Of course, I was crying when I got home. Mama looked at the dress and saw the darts on the back, and determined that I had, indeed, worn the dress backward. We didn't have much money, and I know that paying for that dress was a sacrifice, but I refused to ever wear it again. We sold it in a garage sale, and I had to go through the humiliation all over again as Grandma told everyone who looked at it, "That dress is brand new. My granddaughter wore it to school once and won't wear it again because she wore it backwards."