Sunday, August 23, 2009

We Done Et!

Our family reunion, 1967

Years ago our family had a reunion of my Dad's family. We met people we never knew before. Some great, some weird, some just plain ordinary folk.

One of the weird ones was a cousin we had never met. He was a young man, country looking but OK. He and his family came to the door and was prompted to come in. They came in and walked into the kitchen where most of the people had congregated.

My Aunt Ruby led them to the counter and invited them to get a plate and help themselves to the food. My cousin timidly replied, " We done et."

Unfortunately, the cousin who used this ungrammatical response is not in the pictures above, We failed to get his snapshot. But the other people in the picture were at the reunion. Most of the ones in the pictures had done et!

My sister and I, and our nieces have had a laugh for years every time we think of that. We will often say, "We done et," to each other and then laugh for ten minutes.

The strange thing is, I play scrabble quite a lot on my computer and would you believe that et is listed in the dictionary of that scrabble game? And it is listed as a past tense of eat. So maybe our cousin was not as dumb as we thought. However, I looked in my Webster's dictionary and et is not listed there.

Anyway, we still get a laugh when we think of that incident.


  1. Who is that sitting next to Grandma?

  2. It is Elba Cunningham. I happened to have it written on the back.
