Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ford the Teaser

Ford with his soda pop

For was always a big teaser. He had a ball doing things to irritate me, or anyone for that matter!

Back when soda pop came in bottles instead of cans he hatched the idea up of using the empty bottle to make an irritating whistle while we were riding in the car on a trip. He figured out how to hold the empty bottle just the right way to the open window so that it made a loud whistle. It drove me up the wall. The kids thought it was the funniest thing they had ever heard of. So he would hurry up and finish his drink and then his fun would start. He would do that as long as he could without me getting nasty about it.

He also did another thing which drove me crazy. If I would be napping on the couch or in a chair, he would rub my eye brows in the opposite direction they grew in and that really set me off. He did that many times even if I were not napping, just at any time.

Or maybe he would tickle my nose while I napped. Just anything to aggravate me. Of course the kids always though it was so funny. Everything he did then was funny to them.

Now, I would give my right arm to have him do some of those things to me. I am sure he will be a terror in Heaven! He may even get kicked out!

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