Lemon Meringue Pie

Mama in her kitchen
My Mother was a good cook. She made such wonderful lemon meringue pies that they made your mouth water just to look at them.
When she made the pie dough she always made a little extra so she would have some dough left over for making it for us kids to eat. She would take the left over dough and cut it in to strips and place it on a baking pan. Then she would let it cook until just golden brown and then take it out. We kids thought it was heaven to eat that! I never think about doing that now but I don't know why. It was so good to eat those crunchy brown strips of pie dough.
In fact, I don't think very often about making a lemon meringue pie. In the first place, I could never match my mother's skill in making one and second, I guess I am too lazy. Lemon meringue pies are a lot of work! Once in a while I get a piece of lemon meringue pie when I eat out but it never meets the standards of my mother's pies.
I guess that is another thing that I hope they have in Heaven!
Grandma's pies might not have been pretty, but they sure did taste good! I do her and her cooking!