Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gene and the Skunk

Gene and Debbie

My niece Debbie's, husband, Gene, is somewhat of a fitness freak. He runs every morning so many miles, I'm not sure how many, but he seldom misses his morning run.

One morning he was out on his usual run and it was still dark. He suddenly came on a skunk who very quickly sprayed him.

Of course he returned home to get cleaned up, he thought! He used the usual remedy of tomato juice and a few other things to get rid of the skunk smell. He threw his tennis shoes into the garage garbage can.

He went to work and was greeted with, "Phew you stink!" So he had to return home and try again to get rid of the smell. As he entered the garage he knew throwing the shoes in the garbage can was a big mistake. He had to burn them to get rid of the terrible smell.

Finally, after several baths he did lose the skunk scent. On his morning runs he now watches out for skunks because he doesn't want to encounter another one.

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