Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tommy Two Thumbs

Nancy Kay
The book that Joel DeWayne and Carla doctored up to fit the Tommy Two Thumbs category for Nancy

Even Obama Gives a thumbs up!

Thumbs Up

Many years ago when my kids and my two sisters' kids were young they loved to tease and do whatever they could to irritate each other.

Nancy was the youngest of the grandchildren so she got a lot of tantalizing and teasing from the rest of the grandchildren.

Nancy was unfortunate enough to have a classmate who had two thumbs on each hand. Joel DeWayne knew that and he also knew that the little boy had a crush on Nancy. Nancy didn't like the little boy and all the rest of the grand kids took advantage of that. They tortured her to no end about little Tommy Two Thumbs. They would tease her to tears about it.

Carla and Joel DeWayne got this little book called Tommy Visits the Doctor. They went through the book and drew two thumbs on every picture of Tommy in the book. Then they gave it to Nancy and had a blast laughing at her while she cried and fell apart.

My kids found a picture of something to do with thumbs in the newspaper and they cut out the picture and mailed it to Nancy as a joke. All of this Tommy Two Thumbs bit went on for months.

Finally, Nancy either grew up or gave up and no longer reacted to their teasing. So that was the end of that!

I just saw Nancy last week and mentioned to her about Tommy Two Thumbs. She laughed and retold me the story of him.

Nancy is grown up now and no longer even thinks of Tommy Two Thumbs, but for a while there it really had her upset and angry.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it was all quite a hoot, wasn't it? Oddly enough that was one of the less traumatic experiences of my childhood. nh
