We had pancakes, or waffles about once a week at least. I made them in a waffle iron some of the time and other times I just made them on a griddle, or in a skillet. The waffle iron was good but it took more time and it had to be cleaned up afterwards. A skillet was easier to clean up.
I usually bought Karo syrup years ago but since I am the only one here now I just use a store brand. I never use it on my pancakes but I do use it for cooking . I keep Mrs Butterworth's on hand because I like it on my pancakes.
Ford would never use maple flavored syrup, he just wanted plain old white Karo syrup for his pancakes. He said his Dad used to make their syrup with sugar and water; he would put the sugar and water in a pan and cook it until it thickened. That is probably why he wanted just plain corn syrup, it was more like the home made syrup his dad made. I remember my mother did that sometimes also.
Since I am writing this I have a taste for pancakes so I may make some for my breakfast in the morning. Forget the calories!
GA and I go out for breakfast every Saturday. That's when I get my pancake fix. I like corn syrup, but I want the good old maple syrup on my pancakes!